The wanderer, harried for years - he hears it calling to him. The mouth of the world that
invites many intrepid adventurers to this archipelago of great peril and greater reward. This tainted
land seeks to swallow up another unfortunate soul that enters its domain...
A golden glimmer will shine through the darkness and bring light to this land once more. If put out, it
will never be re-kindled, and humanity will be left to fend for itself, cast in a neverending night. The
last candles remaining, standing stalwart in defiance of the abyss...
Original characters come to life through the laughter, tears, and battle, weaving a tale between two generations
to change history.
What does 'Croiser' mean?
Cross - as in 'to cross' over from one place to another.
Croiser is a turn-based role-playing dungeon crawler game. This game will be my result of years of reflection and
creativity. While it may not be new or original, it is a love letter to the videogames that have inspired and shaped
me as a person. It is my way of honoring that style of game while also creating something meaningful; a return to
the roots of a genre I think the world really needs right now.
